Teaching is my Passion!

Teaching is my Passion!
I love to inspire students to be life long learners!

Cristine O'Hara

Language Arts Teacher
Miami-Dade County Public Schools

"If you would thoroughly know anything, teach it to others."
by Tyron Edwards.

Thoughts to live and teach by...

"Be the change you wish to see in the world." -Gandi

"Go forth and set the world on fire."-St. Ignatius Loyola

"Risk more than other think is safe, care more than others think is wise. dream more than others think is practical, expect more than others think is possible."- cadet maxim

A Shaman once was approached by someone seeking advice. He said, "who wins, the bad dog or the good dog?" The Shaman replies, "the one you feed the most."----Can we apply this to education? Let's feed our students knowledge, so they win.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Zelda Glazer Writing Institute 2010

June 24, 2010

ZGWI is so inspirational and truly alivens one's teaching spirit. It was such an honor to present and represent.

Apparently my powerpoint has too much mojo to upload to this site; I apologize. If you would like a copy of the power point or handouts, please email me and I will kindly share them with you. cohara@dadeschools.net.

Have a great summer!